Sunday, October 22, 2023

Overcome your Anger

Anger is an emotion that conveys, telling us that a situation is upsetting, unjust, or threatening. Anger is an active manifestation of sadness. We need to Identify and eliminate our sorrow before we can confront our anger.

Anger is an extension of ego and whenever we act with anger, deep within us, we will actually be feeling sad. Therefore, anger is an active form of sadness. Or to put in context, sadness is a passive form of anger. When we cannot express our anger, we feel sad within. So, whether we are sad, or angry, we only need to ask ourselves one question, “What is it that I am sad about?”

Anger could be detrimental to both our emotional and physical health. When we are angry our body goes through some physiological and biological changes. Our heart rate quickens and our blood pressure spikes. Our body also releases hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline leading to High blood pressure, depression, anxiety, insomnia, gastric ulcers, diabetes, etc.

When we feel angry in a situation, where in, we have been mistreated or wronged, people around us could be too sensitive and might get hurt and could lead them to be disheartened and leave them in tears. Also, leading to negative impact on the way people perceive us and may get in the way of our growth and success.

If anger is an expression of sadness, removing sadness will automatically do away with anger. But the important question is, ‘How do we get over our sadness?’ An easy answer would be, ‘By nurturing happiness.

We have an opportunity to be happy or to be sad. Some tips to be happy – live in present, count your blessings, be kind to yourself, challenge negative thoughts, meditate, meet with friends, practice gratitude, exercise, think rationally instead of emotionally, build a positive support system, etc.

We could also reconcile opposites - try liking what we dislike. While this may not be easy to practice, however, it can free ourselves from unprofitable bondages to inner freedom. If we can finally free from these, we will have risen above our anger; no longer a victim to anger, sadness, or self-pity.

The way we need to respond should be controlled by us, we cannot give the control to anyone to press our buttons and make us feel angry. It’s like someone controlling us through a remote control.

Identify ways to be happy to avoid anger and identify your Purpose of Life.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Overcome your Fear

We Fear simply because we are not living with life, we are living in our mind.

Our fear is always about what’s going to happen next, which could be interpreted that fear is always about that does not exist therefore fear is 100% imaginary. If we are suffering with something that is non-existent, it could be interpreted as insane which could also be inferred as "disturbance in mind".

The normal cause of suffering due to fear is either because of what had happened in past and what might happen in future, however, both don’t exist.

Mind had two parts - memory and imagination, however, both don’t exist in present, memory is related to past, and imagination is related to future. Fear is an outcome of sufferings caused by either memory or imagination. It’s like our mind is creating horror movies. “Fears are Stories that we tell ourselves”

Sometimes, we get too biased with our own mental creations (our thoughts and our emotions) and forget that Almighty’s creation is much stronger than our perceptions.

We should try to divert/master our mind to live in present i.e. reality. Live your life now! There are no greater phenomena than life. If we do our present well, our future will naturally blossom.

Take Life Easy – we should take life non-serious, however, we always need to get involved with life like what we do when we play sports. Be a sport for life!

If we truly care for what we want to do in life and that really matters to us, life will become worthwhile, and our existence will be meaningful, irrespective of what we achieve.

Find your Purpose of Life, before it is too late!


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Nothing is more difficult than being successful

Dictionary defines SUCCESS as the achieving of the results wanted or hoped for.

Success is often defined as the ability to reach our goals in life, whatever those goals may be. In some ways, a better word for success might be attainment, accomplishment, or progress.

Unsuccessful people usually measure what success is in terms of MONEY and material things - the car you drive, the home you own, and the vacations you take.

However, Successful people, on the other hand, rarely measure success on materialistic grounds. Their interpretation is related to Happiness, Contentment, Good Health, Freedom, Peace, Joy, Balance, fulfillment, Good Friendships, Happy Family, contribution to Society, etc.

One may ‘succeed’ as a rag-picker, Industrialist, Teacher, Researcher, Revolutionist, Philosopher or even as a thief or robber. Success is about fulfilling the intent behind your action. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If we love what we are doing, we will be successful.

Some define Failure as opposite of Success, however, that’s not true. Failure is a part of success. As defined, Success is a journey of failures, sacrifices, smart & hard efforts, perseverance, confidence, consistency in efforts. We always pass Failure on our way to Success.

As soon as we think that we have succeeded in a certain thing, the adverse forces make it a point to attack and spoil it and we become complacent. However, it shouldn’t be interpreted that we should not enjoy and celebrate our successes and keep thinking on our shortcomings and failures and get depressed. We need to strike the right balance!

We need to be contented with our successes, but not satisfied. This will ensure to enjoy fulfillment and joy for our achievements. However, if we are satisfied, we feel we have achieved enough and that’s prohibits us to access additional opportunities that we could further achieve.

Success is getting what we want, Happiness is wanting what we get. Success is a relative term. There is more to “what SUCCESS is” than that. Especially when it comes to success in Life!

To be successful in life, we need to identify our Purpose of Life and set our goals accordingly, there after aligning our actions to achieve the same. It’s good to setup rolling milestones so that we could intermittently celebrate the success of achieving the set milestones and after having achieved the targeted milestone we move to the next milestone without getting complacent.

One must be very great, pure, and must have a very high and disinterested spiritual consciousness to be successful without being affected by it.

Nothing is more difficult, than being successful.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Vitamins to rejuvenate the fading bonds in these troubled times


We can cure our body ailments by taking medicines but what do we do for disorders related to our relationships?

Do we have diagnostics tools like Ultrasound, CT Scan, X-Rays, etc. that could provide us status of our heart and relationships and recommend us appropriate medicines/vitamins to ensure that we are healthy and fit both from our heart and mind?

Here is the list of recommended Vitamins to boost immunity of your relationships, however, you will not get these in a Chemist shop.

If we are not happy with our life, with family members around us, with friends/associates, colleagues, society or it could also be due to the current Pandemic scenario wherein the relationships have been redefined or any financial stress, then it causes stress, anxiety and pain to both our heart and mind.

Out of all the above listed causes, our relationships play a major role, as their impact on our heart is strongest, good relationships can give us utmost happiness and on the contrary, bitter relationships can give deep trauma to our heart and mind.

Therefore, our relationships need frequent Nutrition.

In such situations, we recommend,

Vitamin-A i.e. Vitamin of Attachment is the most essential nutrition. No matter, how close or far we are from our loved ones, we need to keep ourselves attached and connected. The feeling of attachment helps us uplift our mood and sentiments.

Vitamin-B i.e. Vitamin of Bonding, helps to overcome any misunderstandings that are caused in our relationships. It helps in refreshing our relationship and helps to create sweet memories. As relationships are not temporary, if we could add Vitamin of Bonding along with Vitamin of Attachment, it could lead to phenomenal results.

“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each others’ life.”

Vitamin-C i.e. Vitamin of Care, we should never be so busy as not to think of others. Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you Care. We rise by lifting others. To the World, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the World.

Vitamin-D i.e. Vitamin of Dedication that brings constant prosperity. True dedication can convert our dreams into realities.

All the above Vitamins will boost your immunity to keep your Relationships hale and healthy. Stay happy and flourish your relationships with your loved ones.

Identify your Purpose of Life!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Don’t Give up! Keep Going…


Winners are not those who never fail, but those who never quit!

Let’s understand the “The Law of Wasted Efforts

  • Half of the eggs of the fishes are eaten…
  • Half of the baby bears die before puberty…
  • Most of the World’s rains fall in Oceans…
  • Most of the seeds of trees are eaten by birds…
  • Lions succeed in only 25% of their hunting efforts…

Law of Wasted Efforts” is a law that is governed by nature; however, as humans we think that the lack of success in few attempts is a failure.

When we face defeat in Life, the conditions are not comfortable, it hurts as well, we feel the heat, we feel the pressure, we feel being pulled back. However, we need to move forward with our spirit of resiliency and get through the adversities of life.

Keep Focus on your Goals!

Don’t Quit!

Keep trying again and again, keep moving, eventually you will bounce back… Booooooom!

The truth is that “We only fail when we stop trying

Success is not to have a life free of pitfalls and falls…,

but success is to walk over our mistakes, go beyond every stage where our efforts were wasted and looking forward to the next stage.

Efforts are never wasted even when it leads to disappointed results, because it always makes us more prepared, strong, capable & experienced.

Learn from your mistakes and keep putting efforts.

You could take a pause but don’t quit, continue, and keep trying until you succeed.

Stay Inspired. Don’t Give up! Keep Going…

Find your Purpose of Life!