Saturday, September 28, 2013

Align with the Flow of Life!

Align with the Flow of Life Purpose of Life
To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease and lightness. Acceptance brings peace, happiness and serenity.
The flow is life energy itself! Going with the flow is responding to cues from the Universe.
Going with the Flow isn’t about being passive or lazy. It’s not about just letting things happen “to us”. It’s not aimless wandering. It’s a co-creative act. It doesn’t mean that we will not oppose injustice.  However, at the same time, we need not hesitate to make changes in our lifestyle, updating ourselves along with the times, changing priorities and situations. 
We must constantly attract all that we need at the right time. We must wake up every morning with a big smile on our face, feeling excited about the events that will unfold. To be with Flow is to be in a permanent state of Bliss.
To be at peace with ourselves and with the World around us, feeling grateful and content for the person we are, for our life, for our friends and family, and for the incredible ideas, things, events, people, etc. that keep showing up in our life.
By de-cluttering our life and by making a decision to be always true to ourselves and to always listen to our heart and intuition, we will end up being in a state of Flow, constantly. It feels brilliant to be with the Flow!
Life flows like water in a stream, non-stop.  Time flies as if it has wings.  Time and tide wait for no one. Our childhood never returns, youth never returns. If something remains, these are all just memories of the past – sweet or sour.  Many memories are best forgotten.  By remembering them and living in the past is like nurturing a disease.  The past is gone forever.  The present bypasses the past and the future becomes progress.  Always remember the good times!
Why try to halt the flow of time? It is better to go with the flow.
To be in a state of Flow, is being present, always engaged in whatever we do, letting go of our past, keeping an eye on our dreams, goals, and vision, having a Purpose of Life, a meaning, a direction, but always being present in the now, for that is where life is and always will be!!!
Think of life’s circumstances as waves over which you have no direct control. Meditate on the thought of riding them. Don’t fight or resist them. Be a mental surfer, going with the currents of life, but seeking always, as you ride them, to select the best wave, and the best current. You can ride wisely or foolishly, but you can never command the waves to be as you want them to be, or to go where you want them to go. Learn to flow with life, not against it, if you want to win through to freedom.
When we are in a state of FLOW, all that you we will attract in our life will take little or no effort at all.
“Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
When we go with the flow, we are surfing Life force. Let’s go with it!!!
find purpose of life