Saturday, September 28, 2013

Align with the Flow of Life!

Align with the Flow of Life Purpose of Life
To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease and lightness. Acceptance brings peace, happiness and serenity.
The flow is life energy itself! Going with the flow is responding to cues from the Universe.
Going with the Flow isn’t about being passive or lazy. It’s not about just letting things happen “to us”. It’s not aimless wandering. It’s a co-creative act. It doesn’t mean that we will not oppose injustice.  However, at the same time, we need not hesitate to make changes in our lifestyle, updating ourselves along with the times, changing priorities and situations. 
We must constantly attract all that we need at the right time. We must wake up every morning with a big smile on our face, feeling excited about the events that will unfold. To be with Flow is to be in a permanent state of Bliss.
To be at peace with ourselves and with the World around us, feeling grateful and content for the person we are, for our life, for our friends and family, and for the incredible ideas, things, events, people, etc. that keep showing up in our life.
By de-cluttering our life and by making a decision to be always true to ourselves and to always listen to our heart and intuition, we will end up being in a state of Flow, constantly. It feels brilliant to be with the Flow!
Life flows like water in a stream, non-stop.  Time flies as if it has wings.  Time and tide wait for no one. Our childhood never returns, youth never returns. If something remains, these are all just memories of the past – sweet or sour.  Many memories are best forgotten.  By remembering them and living in the past is like nurturing a disease.  The past is gone forever.  The present bypasses the past and the future becomes progress.  Always remember the good times!
Why try to halt the flow of time? It is better to go with the flow.
To be in a state of Flow, is being present, always engaged in whatever we do, letting go of our past, keeping an eye on our dreams, goals, and vision, having a Purpose of Life, a meaning, a direction, but always being present in the now, for that is where life is and always will be!!!
Think of life’s circumstances as waves over which you have no direct control. Meditate on the thought of riding them. Don’t fight or resist them. Be a mental surfer, going with the currents of life, but seeking always, as you ride them, to select the best wave, and the best current. You can ride wisely or foolishly, but you can never command the waves to be as you want them to be, or to go where you want them to go. Learn to flow with life, not against it, if you want to win through to freedom.
When we are in a state of FLOW, all that you we will attract in our life will take little or no effort at all.
“Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
When we go with the flow, we are surfing Life force. Let’s go with it!!!
find purpose of life

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Are you suffering from FOMO - The Fear of Missing Out!

Are you suffering from FOMO - The Fear of Missing Out Purpose of Life
FOMO - The Fear of Missing Out!
The New Lifestyle Disorder!!!  

What is FOMO?

FOMO is the fear of missing out on something more interesting or more exciting than what we are doing right now. There is a fear that something might be happening while we are busy in our real life.
FOMO is a social disorder that causes anxiety at not being able to decide which of multiple equally fun-sounding events to be a part of.

FOMO is both an addiction and a phobia. We may suffer from it and not even realize it.
FOMO happens when we invalidate the experience we're having because we're obsessed with the ones we're not having.

FOMO victims are always stressed about what they are missing rather than enjoying what they have in hand.

Remember - The more we fear it, the more we tend to miss out.

FOMO Symptoms

·         Texting while sitting in your car at the red light of an intersection
·         Checking your Twitter stream while out for coffee with a friend
·         Answering your cell phone when you are eating dinner with family members
·         Checking our social networks in a coffee shop with a friend 

Reasons of suffering with FOMO

Strong urge to stay connected with our friends, be it while driving, working, eating, and even while in bed.
We don't want to be alone, and the feeling is so intense that even when we have decided to disconnect, we decide to check with our online presence just to make sure we stay updated.

When we see pictures of our friends having fun at a party that we didn't attend, we go through these emotions wherein we feel left out…

People are always looking for some kind of action. They want a higher level of acceptance in social circumstances and want to be seen as someone who has multiple contacts, which is a sign of affluence and control. When someone misses a particular party, they end up making several calls to find out what happened at the party as they feel left out.

This happens when there is extreme dependence on external approval.

Social media and FOMO

Social media acts as a fuel on FOMO's fire
But what's bad for individuals may just be good for Facebook: People high in FOMO were also more likely to use social media, seemingly driven by a need to see what's going on when they're not around.

So people are glued to their smartphones, obsessively checking mails, WhatsApping, BBMing, texting, or posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or individual blogs.

These people are always attuned to the outside world and fear that others are having better experiences.

This is indeed one disorder that we can blame on fast-advancing technology.

As people post their minute-by-minute activities, thoughts, spotlight moments and achievements on social networking sites, it causes envy and restless inadequacy amongst others.

Often we go to bed in deep distress after a session on Facebook. The fact that I’m sitting up in bed on social networking sites makes me feel like such a loser compared to friends tweeting photos from holidays or from happening bars or parties where they are rubbing shoulders with the best.

We need to understand that people exaggerate on social networking sites because everyone wants to project their best side to the world. In that sense, what people with FOMO hanker for isn’t even real.

When Envy Works

In a controlled environment FOMO can be very motivating and encouraging to keep us connected to other people and ideas.
We should use our FOMO as a catalyst to set realistic goals. We can use what other people are doing as inspiration.
Our goal is to let FOMO inspire us to live better, not let it ruin our fun.


Let’s promise to each other that as we read this article we will be FOMO-free.
·         We will not worry about what others are doing.
·         We will not get stressed about what else we could be doing.
·         We will not worry about our friends who didn’t accept our friend invite on FB.
·         We will take time away from social media. Doing so will allow us more time to focus on work, household tasks, and activities with family and friends.
·         Let other people in your social media networks know when you are busy to help lower your feelings of being overwhelmed. This will help manage expectations of your followers and they will appreciate your honesty. You let them know that your absences are not personal and are instead about prioritization.
Let’s turn the fear of missing out within and figure out what we would most like to do for our own selves, independent of others.
What is it that enhances life for us?
What gives us a feeling of completion and satisfaction?
Let us focus on our own bucket list, rather than on fake ones created by others!
Let’s identify our PURPOSE OF LIFE and work on to achieve the same.
find purpose of life

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Life is all about Balance, You Get what you Give!

Life is all about Balance, You Get what you Give Purpose of Life

It's all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family.
Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment. Similarly, we perform better when our thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance!
Balance your acts and thoughts...
·         When we follow our heart; we must ensure that we also follow your mind
·         When we show up; we must get in touch with Nature
·         Find people you love you; Express your love to the people whom you want to 
·         When we are Happy; we must ensure that we Introspect
·         Dance; Read books
·         When we find a new perspective; we must ensure that we do just what we like
·         Help others; seek help
·         Have a good night sleep; Have night out to gossip with your old friends 
·         Give flowers to people you love; buy yourself flowers
·         Set your goals; Don’t compare yourself with others
·         Spend time with God; keep the romance in your life
·         Make a gratitude List; make your desired funeral speech
·         Want what you have; create a list of things you aspire
·         Pamper your loved one; pamper yourself…
·         Have a sense of wonder; enjoy natural beauty
·         Make time to just have Fun; face you fears…
·         Exercise; watch Television
·         Lighten UP; be open to new Ideas
·         Don’t beat yourself up; be true to yourself
·         Go to Museum; be a couch potato
·         Focus on creating whatever you desire; focus on negative thoughts

Life makes you run in every direction and all you have to do is choose best one!

Happiness is not a matter of intensity; but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
find purpose of life