Sunday, March 24, 2013

Life is all about Balance, You Get what you Give!

Life is all about Balance, You Get what you Give Purpose of Life

It's all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family.
Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment. Similarly, we perform better when our thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance!
Balance your acts and thoughts...
·         When we follow our heart; we must ensure that we also follow your mind
·         When we show up; we must get in touch with Nature
·         Find people you love you; Express your love to the people whom you want to 
·         When we are Happy; we must ensure that we Introspect
·         Dance; Read books
·         When we find a new perspective; we must ensure that we do just what we like
·         Help others; seek help
·         Have a good night sleep; Have night out to gossip with your old friends 
·         Give flowers to people you love; buy yourself flowers
·         Set your goals; Don’t compare yourself with others
·         Spend time with God; keep the romance in your life
·         Make a gratitude List; make your desired funeral speech
·         Want what you have; create a list of things you aspire
·         Pamper your loved one; pamper yourself…
·         Have a sense of wonder; enjoy natural beauty
·         Make time to just have Fun; face you fears…
·         Exercise; watch Television
·         Lighten UP; be open to new Ideas
·         Don’t beat yourself up; be true to yourself
·         Go to Museum; be a couch potato
·         Focus on creating whatever you desire; focus on negative thoughts

Life makes you run in every direction and all you have to do is choose best one!

Happiness is not a matter of intensity; but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
find purpose of life