Friday, December 25, 2015

Seek Joy, not just Happiness!

Purpose of Life Seek Joy, not just Happiness

Happiness is an emotion in which we experience feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense pleasure.
Whereas, Joy is a stronger, less common feeling than happiness.

We can get happy but we can’t stay happy.
I have heard people saying "I just want to be happy!" They believe that happiness is something that can be achieved and held on to it. We look forward to that time in which we can finally be happy, but it continually recedes. When we are in High School, we think, "If we can just graduate then we will be happy." Graduation, however, is not fulfilling, and we decide "If we go to college then life will be better". But a college education does not bring happiness. Maybe it will come upon finding the right job, or getting married, or having children, or retiring. The goal remains elusive. The "happiness that lasts" is never found because it is actually impossible to get happy and stay happy.

If life is based on obtaining happiness then we will always fall short because life is always changing.

Joy connects us to the creative power - It is far better to seek Joy. Joy is related to happiness, but it is a deeper experience. In the search for happiness the individual focuses upon himself, but joy moves a person out of a self-centered preoccupation and provides an orientation towards others. Joy is an experience which connects us to that which is "Greater" than we are. Joy connects us to the creative power that is more than the "I" or ego. Joy gets us out of ourselves and gets us in contact with others. If we are willing to give up the search for Happiness, we may find Joy.
·       Happiness is based on an experience or other external stimulus. For instance, getting engaged to be married may result in happiness 
     Joy is based on internal well-being or the anticipation of well-being.

·       When happiness is present, it is larger than life. Nothing seems better or worthy of attention but happiness is fickle. Happiness also tends to disappear when the situation changes. Joy is constant.

·       Happiness can be described as an emotion. Joy is more properly related to a state of one’s being.

·       Happiness depends on external factors to exist. Happiness happens to us. Even though we may seek it, desire it, pursue it. Feeling happy is not a choice we make. Joy, on the other hand, is a choice purposefully made. It is an attitude of the heart and spirit, present inside of us as an untapped reservoir of potential.

·       Happiness is achieved with five course meal. Joy is realizing that we have access to food and water, all the time. 

·       Happiness is feeling the sunshine on a beautiful day. Joy is acknowledging that the Sun is always there, even when it’s cloudy.

·       Happiness is winning an award or getting a raise. Joy is waking up every morning and doing what you love.

·       Happiness comes and goes. Joy comes and goes, but it's always a choice.

·       Happiness is a wish. Joy is a practice.

·       Happiness is an emotion in which one experience feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense pleasure. Joy is a stronger, less common feeling than happiness. Witnessing or achieving selflessness to the point of personal sacrifice frequently triggers this emotion

·       Happiness is caused by earthly experiences and material objects. Joy comes from Spiritual experiences, caring for others, gratitude, thankfulness, etc…

·       Happiness is outward expression of elation. Joy is inward peace and contentment.

·       Happiness is temporary as it is based on outward circumstances. Joy is lasting as it is based on inward circumstances.

Ways to seize Joy:
·         Choosing to Smile
·         Meditation and Imagining
·         Positive Thinking
·         Feeling Grateful
·         Notice Immediate Surroundings
·         Become Active and Support others

Appreciate Happiness and Live Joy!
find purpose of life