Saturday, October 3, 2020

Oh no, another bad decision…


All of us, make/take bad decisions. Actually not, that’s not true, we never knowingly take a bad / wrong  / incorrect decision.

Decisions could be related to choosing a job, opting for higher studies, investment in real estate, investment of funds in Stocks / Fixed Deposits / Mutual Funds, making choice of a life partner, etc.

The fact is, that the good decision that we take, in due course of time, reveals itself to be a bad decision due to the outcome of the decision that is not aligned with what was conceived or is not favorable.

That’s the reason, we always say that “decision was wrong” and we never say that the “decision is wrong”. A wrong decision is an event that is always referred to something from past, therefore, there’s no merit in regretting something that has already happened but importantly we should strategize to move forward in the given situation rather than looking back.

The decision that was made in past was taken based on the data points and artifacts available at that point of time. Therefore, the decision that was taken then with pious intent was supposedly correct, however, with the passage of time we experience unfavorable outcome and the right decision that was taken in the past, turns out to be a wrong decision.

As per statistics, 95-98% of the decisions that we take are correct and favorable, however, we never celebrate correct decisions. Correct decisions that are taken are most often ignored and forgotten and considered as part of “Life as usual”

Whereas, we regret and mourn for wrong decisions. Bad decisions are repeatedly remembered and thereby leading to negativity/sufferings and self-blame.

Decision Making is one of the important traits of Leaders. Coward are those who don’t take decision. We can’t afford not to take decisions based on the fear of failure. We cannot make progress in life without making decisions.

For any situation to take a decision, the Best Thing is to do the Right Thing, the next Best Thing is the Wrong Thing, and the Worst Thing that we can do is Nothing.

Once we make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.

We keep thinking that when we took a bad decision why did God not give me wisdom to refrain from taking that decision. Isn’t God supposed to equip us adequately? How do I know, what God wants? If God is behind our plans, why did God allow us to take wrong decision?

We don’t have specific formulas on how to deal appropriately with all situations that we face in everyday life, as each situation is unique.

The fact is that it’s actually all destined, GOD has HIS own ways to make us learn and grow in life with all good and bad decisions. The script of our life is already written, however, every day a new page gets unfolded.

Life would be very boring / monotonous / dry if all decisions that we would have taken were the right decisions.

However, importantly, we should learn from our bad decisions and not repeat the same mistakes again. Every intersection in the road of Life is an opportunity to make a Decision.

Life is a matter of Choices and every Choice that we make, makes us.

Good Decisions come from Experience. Experience comes from making Bad Decisions.

Take decision to align your thoughts and actions with your “Purpose of Life”.

Purpose of Life

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Tame your Thoughts!

Tame your Thoughts

“We define our Thoughts” or “Our Thoughts define Us”.

Thoughts influence our Dreams and Dreams turn into Reality. Thoughts make us what we are and also govern what we may become tomorrow. We are shaped by our thoughts and eventually we become what we continue to think.

Thoughts are a mirror of our mental and spiritual awakening. We need to dwell on our thoughts as they are the source of our actions and future deeds.

Our thoughts rule our life. If we can change our thoughts, we can change our world.

Dreams are Reflection of our Thoughts

When our conscious and subconscious minds are active, they translate into dreams. Often, we dream what we are thinking of or worried about.

However, the sphere of dreams is much bigger than our thoughts. We experience much more in our dreams. Dreams can go beyond our thoughts and can give indications about our past lives and even about our future.

Dreams are propelled by our curiosity. This curiosity in turn comes from deep thoughts. When a thought, deep in sense, creeps into our mind we start to think about it. It goes into our subconscious mind that gets reflected in our dreams and sometimes in our actions.

Sometimes dreams define our personality. It tells who we are from inside, What we need, What we have and What we do. Hence, dreams are reflection of our thoughts.

Positive and Negative Thoughts

Thoughts that originate in our mind can be either positive or negative that carry their own vibrations.

Positive Thoughts create positive vibrations that affects us and our surrounding in a good way and it brings wellness in our life, may be sooner or later depending on its power. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.

When I am happy and gay, I would smile at whatever comes my way. Even when I’m down and not so happy, some positive thoughts can reduce the intensity of sorrow or grief and ease the pain, to help us smile back again!

Negative Thoughts are like slow poison which will show their result slowly but surely a negative one. Overthinking Leads to Negative Thoughts.

Great men have said "always be careful of what you think, because someday, it may come true".

During times of crisis like the ongoing Pandemic times, we are in the phase of uncertainty and the probability of negative thoughts creeping in us is very high.

These negative thoughts are not helpful in context to our life, health, profession and other dimensions of our Life.

What matters is to live in the present, live now, for every moment is now. It is our thoughts and acts of the moment that create our future.

Human Mind is filled with Drunken Monkeys

Buddha described the human mind as being filled with drunken monkeys, jumping around, screeching, chattering, carrying on endlessly. We all have monkey minds, with dozens of monkeys all clamoring for attention.

Fear is an especially loud monkey, sounding the alarm incessantly, pointing out all the things we should be wary of and everything that could go wrong.

Meditation helps to tame the drunken monkeys in our minds.

It’s useless to fight with the monkeys or to try to banish them from our mind because, as we all know, that which we resist, persists. The first principal of Meditation is that we should never make an attempt to stop our thoughts but allow them to come and go without giving any importance to them. If we spend some time each day in meditation, we can, over time, tame our drunken monkeys. They will grow more peaceful if you lovingly bring them into submission with a consistent practice of meditation.

Meditation is a wonderful way to quiet the voices of fear, anxiety, worry and other negative emotions.

Also, sometimes engaging the monkeys in gentle, kind and loving conversation can sometimes calm them down and transform our life. If the Fear Monkey is noisy and intense, have a calm conversation with him and try answering all the consequences of the Fears being raised by the Fear Monkey and our plan to address the situation/circumstances. Talk to him about the worst scenario and your plan to address the same. By the end of the conversation, Fear Monkey may still be there, but he would have calmed down and we can get back to our life as usual.

Learning to manage our monkey mind is one of the best things we can do to transform all fears and negative thoughts.

Tips for Positive Thinking

·         Look at the mirror and smile with positive thoughts - “I can do it and happy times are ahead”

·         Ensure that we spend time in the ambience of people with positive thoughts to get similar vibrations.

·         We should never become a passive victim. Don’t self-pity or expect sympathy from others. Instead, get confidence from within - “We have the power to change our destiny and we shall do it by all means”.

·         Count your blessings. Once we reflect and look around, we shall identify several blessings that we have. Thank God and feel grateful for all our blessings.

Power of Positive Thoughts

Our thinking pattern allows us to define, engage, organize in decision-making, problem solving, experiencing, planning, learning, reflecting, higher reasoning and creating.

But sometimes our thinking can be meaningless and not serving our purpose in any dimension of our Life for a variety of reasons and this has a negative impact on our Overall Health and well-being.

We have infinite riches within us. To gain them, we need to open our mind’s eyes and behold the treasure within us, to realize our infinite intelligence and boundless love within ourselves.

We need to charge our mind with faith and confidence, our mind can lift ten times of its own body weight. People with confidence are always born to win.

When our mind is discharged, it is filled with fears and doubts. Our mind is a garden and we are the gardener. Thoughts are seeds we are putting on our thinking.

Mind is a Gift from Divine Power and we can achieve anything in this World or beyond through the Power of our Mind.

Mind is God’s Gift that can enable us to identify our Purpose of Life.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Comeback is always Stronger than the Setback!

Let's take our time. Let's recharge ourselves and come back stronger!

Everything is not Locked Down…
  •      Sunrise is not locked down…
  •          Imagination is not locked down…
  •          Creativity is not locked down…
  •          Learning is not locked down…
  •          Reading is not locked down…
  •          Work is not locked down…
  •          Kindness is not locked down…
  •          Love is not locked down…
  •          Relationship is not locked down…
  •          Family Time is not locked down…
  •          Conversation is not locked down…
  •          Praying is not locked down…
  •      Worshiping is not locked down…
  •      Meditation is not locked down…
  •      Hope is not locked down…
  •      Let’s Cherish what we have…

Convert Lock Down as an Opportunity to do what we always wanted to do…

Let’s unlock ourselves from WITHIN…

Time to realize that we should be happy and thankful that we are safe. We are at home with our family. God has given us an opportunity to stay with our loved ones and know each other much better as we don’t find enough time to spend together in our busy and mechanized/modern lifestyles.

It’s very unfortunate when I hear people say that we have been arrested or locked down in our home. We created our homes and not a jail. How much time and money did we spend to create our homes. Blessed are we to have a home, think of those in the World who are homeless.

Today, I have the opportunity to stay at my home with my family which is nothing less than a temple as with my family, God also lives along with us.
This crisis has given us an opportunity to bring the family members closer and together. Let’s utilize these tough times to create special bonds with our loved ones. Bonds made in such times are considered to be the strongest. Let’s seize these moments to convert them to make these as unforgettable memories of our lives.

Let’s ensure that we are healthy and fit during this period. Health is Wealth – let’s keep ourselves physically and mentally fit – exercise, read books, spend time with family, practice yoga.

Let’s utilize this time to upgrade our skills.

Spend time to unleash/explore your hidden talents – Singing, Poetry, Sketching, Drawing, Cartoons, playing indoor games with kids and spouse, innovating new dishes, watching inspirational movies with family, etc.

Leave no opportunity to serve the poor and deserving people. Let’s spend our time on praying and worshiping. Let’s spend time to find about ourselves from within. 

Spend time to meditate.

Spend time in spirituality and find/revisit our Purpose of Life.

Realizations during this crisis:
  •  Life is fragile, handle with care. 
  •  Power, Beauty and Money are worthless. What will we do with all the wealth and fame that we have earned. It’s time to unlearn, time to realize that we are not the most powerful. We have been told to stay at home to ensure that we must realize that we humans are the guests and not the owners of this Universe and Creation.
  •  We can feel fresh air, clear sky, bright moon and twinkling stars in the sky. The Nature continues its life and is beautiful without us. The birds are chirping and singing in the open sky. The Air, Earth, Water, Sun, Moon and Sky are doing fine without our interference. The planet regenerates quickly without humans into play. The nature re-emphasizes that we are Guests and not the Masters. These are the times when we need to have self-realization that how much damage we do to the environment and surroundings.
  •  Humans are afraid from human beings. Hugs and Kisses have become weapons. Not visiting your loved ones has become an act of Love and kindness.
  •  We and our kids can survive without junk food. We can survive vacations without National/International trips. Disneyland, Eiffel Tower and all holiday destinations are barren.
  •  Rich people are less immune than the poor.
  •  Health Professionals are worth more than Celebrities. No Priest, No Pujari, No Tantrik, No Astrologer, No Palmist could save patients.
  •  All comforts and luxury gadgets in the World are worthless in a society without consumers.
  •  We could experience/visualize how animals feel in the zoo as if being quarantined. Prisoners in jails for petty crimes can be released.
  •  Majority of people can work from home. Living a hygienic life is not difficult.
  •  Only women are not supposed to know cooking and household work.
  •  If we build more schools, we need to construct less hospitals.

Stay home, Stay safe.

God’s Plan is always the Best. Sometimes the process is painful and hard. But don’t forget that when God is silent, he is doing something great for us.

O Lord, Give us courage and we know that you will take care…

Give us opportunity to live our life till we are alive.

Grant us wisdom to identify our Purpose of Life.

The World is closed for Renovation, Grand Reopening Soon…

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Oh God! Why Me?

Oh God! Why Me?

Did we ever say “Oh God! Why Me?” when we received a fortune in business, promotion in job, distinction in academics, addition of family member, recognition in society, or any incident that was progressive/positive. The credit for the positive development is taken by the individual and yes, we sometimes thank God as well.

However, if there has been a mishap or misfortune, loss in business, lost a job, lost a family member, serious ailment, or any incident that is not pleasant or positive, the immediate reaction is to question God - “Oh God! Why Me?”

In such a situation, we never ever give discredit to ourselves or take the responsibility with us but would like to externalize it and blame God for the same.

Life is unpredictable – Happy and Sad, Sunny and Rainy…

It’s strange how life works. One day things are going “business as usual,” and then the next, something can happen out of the blue that causes everything to change. It usually happens when we least expect it.

When it’s favorable, bask in the excitement and joy this unexpected event. We have to enjoy the good things that happen and give them the time they deserve. Don’t just brush them away, celebrate them. Enjoy the happy times and don’t take them for granted.

When bad things happen, do the best you can with the hand you’ve been dealt. Face whatever challenge has rocked your world with strength and courage. We need to be strong and brave. We need to handle whatever situation we find ourselves in. Understand that life is unpredictable and you can’t plan for everything, but it's the positive mentality of "Never Give Up" that counts. No matter what happened, if there is a Will, there is Way. Life is full of surprises and our way of approaching them defines us. Timing doesn't always happen to our own schedule and that's why patience is the key. But remember, our time will come. When Times are hard, go easy on yourself. What you need most at this time is your own kindness and encouragement.

Have faith and belief in your connection/relationship with God. Have belief in your Worshiping that you have done in past and made an excellent relationship with God. Don’t doubt on HIS intentions. His meticulous plan of grace and abundance ALWAYS prevails. We should NEVER stop talking and serving the God that saves me and provides for all our needs.  Practice attitude of gratitude daily. Like, I am grateful for being alive.  I am grateful for my breath, to begin with…
Remember, there is a saying - “This too shall pass.” And, it’s true for both - just as the unpleasant things pass, so do the good things.

We have to enjoy our present moment – “The Gift of Today” and not worry about all the things that “could” happen.

I am true believer of “Whatever happens, happen for Good only”.

If your beliefs and confidence are strong enough, you can achieve something that is very difficult.

For every door that closes, there's a multitude of windows that are opened. What we do with those opportunities is up to us. We either go through a window or we wait for that door to open. Personally, I’d waste no time and take the window, while waiting for the next door to open.

The blessing will be there if you are open to finding it... staying calm. All that panic and worry, self-doubt can lead to missing that opportunity.

There is a saying – “New beginnings are disguised as painful endingsGod is a good Leveller.

Find your Purpose of Life…