Sunday, December 30, 2012

Life's a Roller Coaster – Enjoy the Ride

Life's a Roller Coaster – Enjoy the Ride Purpose of Life
Life and Roller Coaster
·         Both come in many shapes, designs, and colors.
·         Both start with a big drop; both have ups and downs. It doesn’t really matter if we sit in the front or the back — everyone has a similar experience.
·         Both require participation – watching just isn’t the same; both are more fun when shared with others.
·         Both can be fun for a minute and terrifying the next; sometimes it's thrilling, other times it's scary; both can make you scream and throw up.
·         Both require that you follow the rules for your safety.
·         Both go very fast and don’t last long enough.
All times are not same, be it how we spend 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, 30 days of a month, 12 months in a year, 10 years in a decade, etc…
We should try to live a balanced life – should not over enjoy triumphs and bravely overcome/ handle low tides.
Our reaction when the “Going is not Good”
How often have we said – “Can't Handle this Anymore!!!”
Times when we feel like there is no one can help us; Times when we are convinced that we are without hope; Times when we are in depression; Times when we feel irritated; Times when our family and friends begin to hate us because we are just constantly giving them attitude; Times when nothing seems to be working; Times when everything seems to be falling leaking through the cracks.
·         Self-victimization - We ask ourselves “Why is this happening to me? Why am I so unlucky? Why doesn’t this happen to anyone else? It’s not fair!”
·         Reacting in anger - We lash back at the situation, or even people around us, for what’s happening.
·         Self-blame - We make self-depreciating comments like “Why am I so stupid to have done that?” “Only someone like me can make such a dumb mistake.”
·         Slipping into depression - We may slip in depression if we’re not careful at managing our emotions.
·         Dejection or giving up - We lose hope, or worse still, we give-up. We decide it’s not worth it, that life is out to get us, and we should just stop trying altogether.
What do you do when bad times come? How do you handle it?  What is your attitude when your well-laid plans crumble into disaster?
“We all have problems. The way we solve them is what makes us different.”
We need to learn to cope up with bad times with perseverance and patience. Trials come for a reason; Bad times are not an end to themselves. They are designed to produce something in our life. The testing of our faith produces endurance. 
Control and Manage our Anxiety
Anxiety is the type of condition that can at times feel so overwhelming that we are convinced that we'll never be able to live a happy life - or live the life that we have always wanted.
But the truth is that anxiety itself is what causes this feeling.
Anxiety has the ability to make your life feel like we are without hope.
We can be cured, and we can find relief, but the only way to find that relief is to commit to the idea that anxiety help exists. That's why, when we feel like it's too much, we have two options:
·         Sit and do nothing, and live with anxiety forever.
·         Commit to change and start on our way to recovery.
Learning to Cope in the Short Run (Quick-Fix / First-Aid)
·         Share - Turn on the TV and lights. Call your close friend / Mentor / Role Model and talk about anything and everything that is in our mind.
·         Physical Exercise - Go out for a very fast run, and when we get tired, wait until we regained some of our strength and run again. Tire out our body so strongly that we can't even think about your physical worries. We can also punch a punching bag or yell as loudly as possible as long as possible. Do all of them if we need to.
·         Jot down in your diary - Anxiety sometimes causes thoughts to roll out of control. They're simply thoughts that we can't stop thinking about. Write them all out. Write down everything that is in our head, and every thought that comes up. Once it's out of our head, we should find ourselves thinking less about it.
·         Accepting and Creating a Plan - Finally, when it feels hopeless right now, we need to give ourselves an opportunity to stop focusing on how it feels now and get ready for how it's going to improve in the future.
Step I - Tell our self that it's okay for us to have anxiety. We need to accept it instead of trying to fight it, because acceptance is the most important tool for believing us that we can overcome it.
Step II – Create a long term plan for the future, with the things we are going to do to find relief/solution.
Are we going to see a therapist? Are we going to ask our doctor about medications? Are we planning on exercising? Are we going to look for a new job, or find any new friends? What if we still suffer from anxiety – what changes will we make?

Decide on what we are going to do and plan it out for the long term – not just days, not just weeks, but months and even years. Having that plan ensures that we are focused on our future, so that what we deal with in the present becomes less important.
Learning to Cope in the Long Run (Permanent Cure)
We simply need to avoid certain traps:
·         Believing we can cure it on our own.
·         Believing that our anxiety is worse / different.
·         Believing that if a treatment doesn't work in a week or so, it's not going to work.

Release your Stress/Frustrations - Don’t bottle them out because we might just collapse. The problem will still remain whether we go berserk at it or whether we think about it calmly. The former will create more problems as our agitation prevents us from making good decisions. Being frustrated isn’t going to solve anything. Talk to a friend about it. A listening ear does wonders. Go exercise and release the tension. Write in your diary.
Don’t self-victimise - No matter what we may think, we are not alone in this. Somewhere around the world, someone else is thinking the exact same thing as we. Someone out there is feeling down and out too, wondering why he/she is experiencing this. Knowing it’s not just you helps you to get out of a self-victimising mindset.
Know we always have a choice - Realize no matter what happens, we always have a choice in how we react. While we may not be able to control what happens to us, we can most certainly control our behaviors. We can face the worst things in the world, but if we make the choice not to let our self be affected by them, we won’t be.
Think Objectively - An incident is an incident; we’re responsible for the feelings attached. Remove the feelings and look at the situation objectively. This will help us cope a lot better.
Create an Action Plan – Focus on what we can do; Action creates empowerment. Actions create possibilities. Action creates results. By taking action, we are no longer a passive recipient; we are a conscious creator.
Ask for help if you need to - It’s okay to ask for help if it makes the situation easier and if it helps. Remember, we are not alone in this.
See it as an obstacle to be overcome - Life is a journey of learning and growth, and everything happens for a reason. Obstacles are the things stopping us from getting our goals, and if we keep overcoming these obstacles, we’ll eventually get what we want.
Identify the lessons learned - There are always things to be learned from every situation to cope up with similar situations in future.
No matter what bad stuff life throws our way, nothing can get us down, as long as we cope with it constructively.
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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Difference between Prayer and Worship?

Difference between Prayer and Worship Purpose of Life
Prayer is supplication; Worship is adoration.
Prayer is a request; Worship is thanks giving for answering your request.
Prayer is a conversation with God; Worship is an expression of gratitude for the outcome of the conversation.
Prayer is selfish; Worship is not selfish.
Prayer leads to spiritual progress. Worship leads to ritual progress - Worship is based on ritualism, whereas prayer is based on spirituality. Prayer leads to spiritual accomplishment, whereas worship leads to ritual accomplishment. Prayers lead us to the attainment of your goals.
Prayer is a form of worshiping God. Our prayer can be a message to Him that we love Him and are thankful for everything He has done for us. Prayer is also a way to ask God about things or for things. This includes asking God for good health for family or friends, courage and resilience in times of stress, and comfort whenever we need His help. God tells us that He gives us what we ask for as long as it is in His name, or within His will.
Prayer extends beyond just asking God for things. It acts as a way of conversation between yourself and God, in such a way that your relationship with Him will grow. Just as no friendship can truly grow without fellowship, so is it with our relationship with the Lord. Without prayer, we cannot get closer to Him.
Prayer is the act of communicating with God, it means having a quiet time with God and talking to God about yourself. Prayer refers to communication. It can mean confession, making requests or prayer according to God's will. Quite literally it means speaking to God or an act of thanks.
Prayer is a communion with the whole (God or nature or existence as you see it) where you get connected to the whole.
Worship is, in its simplest form, revering God and recognizing all He has done. We worship God because He deserves to be worshiped. When you think about all He has done through His creation and salvation, God is shown to be a very powerful and loving God, and through worship we can show our love and respect to Him. In fact, our existence, our ability to think, even our very ability to worship in the first place comes from Him. Should we not then use those to convey our love to Him?
Worship is an expression of reverence and adoration of God, such could be through singing songs, praying, chanting, dancing in the presence of God. Worship refers to specific acts of religious praise and devotion, and the honouring of God, a form of expression or an act of prayer in praise to God. It is an expression of love for God.
Worship is intense adoration... love and respect.

Sukh Vele Shukrana - Pay gratitude in times of happiness, (Thank Him during good times)
Dukh Vele Ardaas - Pray to HIM at times of crisis, (Pray during crisis)
Har Vele Simran - Remember Him at all times (Worship at all times)
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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Are you afraid of losing your loved ones?

Are you afraid of losing your loved ones Purpose of Life
Crippling fear of losing loved ones, whom we love dearly…
Fear of death is a natural human emotion. Fear of Loss of a loved one is the worst thing anyone can handle...

The fear of losing a loved one is always in existence. We can never get away from this fear because there are situations that will make a person think of the possibility of being separated from the people they love. But the possibility of losing someone is one of life's facts and no one can prevent this from happening.

What is the reason for this Fear
This fear can be caused or influenced by several factors such as, Divorce or separation, Empty nest, Death in the family, etc…

The reason why we have this fear is due to the fear of being alone in this world and our fear of not being able to bear the thought of being the one who was left behind.

How do I overcome this Fear
A fear can consume a person’s thoughts, which can increase their fear and make it harder to get over. It is important to overcome those fears so that you can live your daily life in peace and free from needless worry.

Realize that death is an inevitable part of life. While the time spent by every one of us is different, the end result of life is always the same.

The best way to handle a fear is to tell someone who is trust worthy.  Confiding in another person allows them to help you and better understand the other person’s fear.  If a person is afraid to tell someone about their fear because they are embarrassed by it, then they can always keep a journal of all their thoughts and let their heart spill out with a pen and paper rather than tell someone.

Spend more time with your loved ones. Show them how much you care and how much you value having them in your life. None of us knows when our time is up. The more good memories you have of that person, the better you'll be able to handle your grief.

Losing a loved one is natural and death is a cycle. 

Remember, when a person dies, there will always be new life being born into the world.
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Are you Contented or Satisfied?

Are you Contented or Satisfied Purpose of Life
Being Contented without being Satisfied is the key to happiness and success.  
Satisfaction is getting what you want and Contentment is being happy with what you already have. To be content is not the same as to be satisfied.
Satisfaction is a state of body and mind.            
Satisfaction derives from the past. Satisfaction is conditional and is achieved with meeting the desired goal/desires. It is the result of bargaining to reach an acceptable point of closure in the dealing. Satisfaction applies when you are expecting something and if it occurs, you are satisfied.
To be satisfied would be lacking ambition – never wanting more.
However, to be satisfied, we should recognize that it is okay to want more – more money, a bigger house, etc… However, we need to find our PURPOSE OF LIFE. Develop an ultimate goal for our self that will make us happy. Establish smaller, bite-size goals to put you on the path to the ultimate goal.
Contentment is a state of soul and spirit. 
Contentment applies to the present. Contentment is unconditional. A pause to acknowledge that at this time one is happy to be in the place they are.
However, when we say - I'm content with my life, it does not necessarily imply "happiness" or "satisfaction" - it means that we are at peace with the circumstances.
To be content is to appreciate what you have and strive for more, but understanding it is a process to get there (you have to EARN it). If we are content, it doesn’t mean that we have accepted our circumstances. We can have peace in the midst of the storm but we certainly want to be out of the storm.
We can be contented, if we are thankful to “HIM” for providing us with the basics necessities like food, shelter, family, friends, health, etc… and realize that many lack these basic needs. We should volunteer to help those who are less fortunate.
A criminal who has spent many years in prison could, conceivably, be "content" with prison life. He has accepted his circumstances and does not have any major grievances. This doesn't mean that he's happy or satisfied.
Many successful people are never content. If we are never satisfied, we will strive to achieve more and be successful. But if we are never content, we will never attain happiness.
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Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Joy of Giving

The Joy of Giving Purpose of Life
Giving expands and satisfies us. Taking leaves us ultimately feeling empty.
It feels great to receive a gift from someone. However, the greatest satisfaction comes from Giving to others and knowing that you have made someone feel happier or made a positive contribution in some way to their life.
There is something very nourishing to our soul when we give and help others. It provides us with an intrinsic reward that far outweighs what we give.
Altruism and Generosity makes us healthier and happier.
That's why parents usually get more pleasure from their children, than children do from their parents - even though the children 'receive' much more.
Why do we hesitate/fear to Give?
We are misled into believing that by giving, we somehow lose out. If I give to someone else, there is surely less for me. It's true, but only in the short term. In the long term, giving gives us back so much more than we gave.
Why would someone want to do something for anyone if there was no gain for him/her? And most of the time, we are correct and that’s the reason our society becomes suspicious, when someone wants to do something for anyone. Shameful, isn’t!
How does Giving Help?
Giving helps to take our mind of our own worries and challenges. When we are focused on how you can give to others we are less likely to consume our whole focus on our own concerns and challenges. It provides us with an opportunity to escape from our own world and see the bigger picture.
Our worries and challenges may not seem that significant when we compare them to other people’s situations.
Ways of Giving
As we can see most of the ways that we can give to others does not necessarily have to involve money. They are many ways that we can give to others for free; yet what we give can be priceless to the person/s that we are giving to.
Give a smile to brighten up another person’s day;
Give someone a hug;
Give of yourself by sharing with others;
Give more time to your family and friends;
Give your attention to listen to someone;
Give a helping hand;
Give a donation;
Volunteer to give up some of your time to help out at your children’s school;
Help someone with directions to where they needed to go;
Give up some of your time to help others out;
And the list is endless…

Try Giving  
I’ve already started by giving you this blog – Your time starts now!!!
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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Are you a Theist or Atheist?

Are you a Theist or Atheist Purpose of Life
We should save money when we are earning good and have surplus to save for bad/tough times.
Should we keep the money with ourselves in safe custody/locker or deposit with the external agency (Financial Institutions, Banks, etc…)? We prefer to Invest or deposit to an external agency primarily due to two reasons - Safety & Return on Investment. However, one can retain the money with themselves, if they are confident to keep in safe custody and also ensure that the money should grow/multiply with time.
When the going is not good and we have deficit, we need to supplement for the shortfall. How and where from? Sure, from the savings – either with us or from external agency.
Similarly, we are also living in the materialistic world with ups and downs, joys and sorrows, good and bad times, …
If we are happy? Do we think of God? When we are engaged in our jobs, day-to-day routines, living life. “GOD”- probably, a distant thought at the back of our mind that is so often neglected……….
During the stray times, when we feel misaligned/disillusioned with our Purpose of Life, we require additional power to recoup/recharge; and thereby improve/align our speed and direction.
Sukh Vele Shukrana - Pay gratitude in times of happiness,  Dukh Vele Ardaas - Pray to HIM at times of crisis, Har Vele Simran - Remember Him at all times.
Dukh Mein Sumiran Sab Kare, Sukh Mein Kare Na Koye, Jo Sukh Mein Sumiran Kare, Tau Dukh Kahe Ko Hoye (Kabir) – Everyone remembers/pray to God when we are in trouble or in pain, None prays when everything is going good. If we remember God during good times/always, then we will never get any trouble/pain.
Therefore, we require to transfer/store some Energy when the going is good; actually, that’s the time when we have surplus to save.
Theist, who believe in GOD / Divine Power transfer their energy - To the Divine Power – Nirankaar/Akaar, Photo/Idol, Living Guru, or any other form… By devoting time - Worshipping, Meditation, Chanting or any other mode…
When the going is tough, we need power/energy - Theist recover it from the Divine Power where they had stored during their good time.  
For Theist, the problem is, in case, he/she didn’t devote adequate time and attention and thereby didn’t store/save energy during their good times.
Atheist believes in themselves, and they store their energy within themselves. When the going is tough, we need power/energy - Atheist recover from within and recuperate.
The problem is, in case you are Atheist, and don’t have strong willpower/determination to face the odds.
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Sunday, April 29, 2012

When MORE Always Exceeds ENOUGH!

When MORE Always Exceeds ENOUGH Purpose of Life
How much does a man need?
Are the bare necessities of life – “Food, Shelter & Clothing” ENOUGH to keep us satisfied and happy.
Not many of us are aware of what is ENOUGH to make us happy.
Small Story
The businessman was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna. The businessman complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied only a little while.

The businessman then asked why he didn't stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The businessman then asked, but what do you do with the rest of your time? The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos; I have a full and busy life, señor."
The businessman scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and I could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats; eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman, you would sell directly to the processor and eventually open your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually New York City where you would run your expanding enterprise."
The Mexican fisherman asked, "But señor, how long will this all take?" To which the businessman replied, "15-20 years." "But what then, señor?" The businessman laughed and said, "That's the best part! When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions." "Millions, señor? Then what?" The businessman said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."
The fisherman, still smiling, looked up and said, "Isn't that what I'm doing right now?"
When we were kids, we were SATISFIED & HAPPY with limited variety of games – Ludo, Snakes and Ladder, Carom Board, Scrabble, playing with dough, and few others. With the advent of technology, all games and gizmos available can make us happy only for so much time till the new version is launched with advanced features and the old one is declared obsolete. Be it, X-box, Computers, Mobile handsets, Cars, Flats, Houses, etc… The environment around doesn’t allow us to feel satisfied for long.
All of us are aware that we should stop eating just before the stomach is full as there is a delay in the stomach sending the message to brain. Therefore, if you wait for the message and then stop eating, you will realize that you have already eaten more than what was ENOUGH.
This desire for wanting MORE varies from person to person and can vary from desire for more money, travel, running a successful business, house, spouse, children, fame, recognition, reading, writing, respect, pride, peace, meditation, socializing, etc… They also follow a pattern aligned to Maslow’s Need Hierarchy.
However, we need to deal with another problem; our goals/targets also keep shifting with the inflation, our annual budgets, and be-it our business turnover or our Organisation’s annual turnover. Therefore, satisfaction and happiness only lasts for the time till we have the revised need/goal.
The end result for all the above mentioned things is Satisfaction and Happiness, provided one should accept that what is ENOUGH which he/she has acquired.
We are all conditioned to want MORE, no matter what we already have. And that “MORE” always EXCEEDSENOUGH”. Most of the times, we make ourselves miserable in the pursuit of MORE than ENOUGH without pausing to think of how much do we really NEED.
Put up the question for yourself and ask whether are you earning as much as you need or pushing yourself to get more than “ENOUGH”?
What for?                          
If you were to give up that extra shove and instead, spend that time to pursue what makes you really happy, would your life be better? Isn’t it crazy to adore money for the sake of it?
Are we all aware of what we are pursuing all that money for? What do we want it to do for us? How much will we be able to carry along with us to our next journey of life? What will be our Funeral speech?
Here is my suggestion, once we are able to achieve our basic needs, we should think about what will make us really feel satisfied and happy. Find out the difference between EXISTENCE & LIVING?

In order to live well and be on top of life, we need something EXTRA… That’s when; we need to revisit our PURPOSE OF LIFE. WHAT is that we require – Health /Wealth /Work /Career /Profession /Self Esteem /Spirituality. Importantly, for WHOM – Self /Family /Friends /Society /Environment.
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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Are Gurus still relevant in today’s world? Do you need a Guru?

A guru (Sanskrit: गुरु) (Gurmukhi: ਗੁਰੂ) is one who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom and authority in a certain area, and who uses it to guide others (teacher).

Other forms of manifestation of this principle also include parents, school teachers, non-human objects (books) and even one's own intellectual discipline.
Finding a true guru is often held to be a prerequisite for attaining self-realization.

Significance of Guru in Hinduism
Guru is composed of the syllables gu and ru, the former signifying 'darkness', and the latter signifying 'the destroyer of that [darkness], hence a guru is one characterized as someone who dispels spiritual ignorance (darkness), with spiritual illumination (light)

In Western usage, the meaning of guru has been extended to cover anyone who acquires followers, though not necessarily in an established school of philosophy or religion. In a further Western extension, guru is used, or even misused from the original religious meaning, to refer to a person who has authority because of his or her perceived secular knowledge or skills, such as in business.
The guru-shishya tradition is the transmission of teachings from a guru (teacher, गुरू) to a 'śiṣya' (disciple, िशष्य). In this relationship, subtle and advanced knowledge is conveyed and received through the student's respect, commitment, devotion and obedience. The student eventually masters the knowledge that the guru embodies.

Kabir - "Guru and God both appear before me. To whom should I prostrate?
I bow before Guru who introduced God to me."

"If all the land were turned to paper and all the seas turned to ink, and all the forests into pens to write with, they would still not suffice to describe the greatness of the guru."

Significance of Guru in Sikhism
Sikhism is derived from the Sanskrit word shishya, or disciple.
The core beliefs of Sikhism are of belief in one God and in the teachings of the Ten Gurus, enshrined in Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh holy book.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the first guru of Sikhism, was opposed to the caste system prevalent in India in his time, and he accepted Hindus, Muslims and people from other religions as disciples. His followers referred to him as the Guru (teacher).

On the importance of guru, Nanak says: Let no man in the world live in delusion. Without a Guru none can cross over to the other shore.

Guru Granth Sahib was given the Guruship by the last of the living Sikh Masters, Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1708. Guru Gobind Singh said before his demise that the Sikhs were to treat the Granth Sahib as their next Guru. Guru Ji said – “Sab Sikhan ko hokam hai Guru Manyo Granth” meaning “All Sikhs are commanded to take the Granth as Guru”. So today, if asked, the Sikhs will tell you that they have a total of 11 Gurus. (Ten in human form and the Sri Guru Granth Sahib - holy book, was made the eleventh perpetual guru of the Sikhs).

Significance of Guru for Muslims
All muslims consider prophet Mohammad (pbuh) as last messenger of God/Allah (i.e. last Guru). In the last sermon of Mohammad (pbuh) said - All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.

Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves. Remember, one day you will appear before God and answer your deeds.
So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.
O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born.

Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray.

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O God, that I have conveyed your message to your people".
Significance of Guru for Christians

Most Christians believe in the Holy Trinity - God the Father - Yahweh/Jehovah, God the Son - Jesus/Christ & God the Holy Spirit
Not all do, however. Some believe that Jesus was an inspired man or Guru and was not God.
“O! Thou true Guru, Christ, the true Guru! Life-giving Word, the Guru!

The good Guru of eternal joy! Heavenly golden Guru! Lord!”

Guru is classified into two kinds: the KARIYA Guru, who works for egoistic motives and lays stress on rituals and ceremonies, and the KARANA (instrumental) Guru who seeks only to guide the disciple to perfection and oneness with God. “Jesus is the only KARANA Guru who is utterly selfless, even to the extent of giving his life on the cross.

So are Gurus still relevant in today’s world? Do we need a Guru and for how long?
You belong to which Category Type-A or Type-B?
Are Gurus still relevant in today’s world Do you need a Guru Purpose of Life

Type A - Disciples
A Guru is also a human being and he too has achieved knowledge from his guru or by the experiences in life. If you think you don’t need a guru then you can read the sacred texts and find the path on your own. By doing so, no doubt the road to your life will be a bit tough but not impossible.
You can have a guru till you think you have got the knowledge which you needed or the guru thinks you achieved the knowledge which you deserved or you can take help of your guru when you get stuck till then fight your battles of life on your own.
Suppose you need to fit a air conditioner in your house at that time you call a electrician, he fits the air conditioner in your house after that you don’t need the electrician till your A.C. is working same way you need a Guru to gain knowledge and establish a link between you and God. After that link is established you need Guru only when you feel that you are stuck up in spiritual field or you need to move further in spiritual field.

No doubt if a person gets stuck a Guru can give guidance.

Type B – Self Believers
Another thought for the people who are confident and believe in themselves. These set of people believe to access the universal wisdom through our own inner connection.
These set of people also believe that if anyone considers that they have a ‘Guru’ (apart from their own higher self), then they have given their power away to another.
These are the people who have the answers they seek within themselves, and all they need is the understanding and the confidence to find their way to that wisdom within.
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