Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Nothing is more difficult than being successful

Dictionary defines SUCCESS as the achieving of the results wanted or hoped for.

Success is often defined as the ability to reach our goals in life, whatever those goals may be. In some ways, a better word for success might be attainment, accomplishment, or progress.

Unsuccessful people usually measure what success is in terms of MONEY and material things - the car you drive, the home you own, and the vacations you take.

However, Successful people, on the other hand, rarely measure success on materialistic grounds. Their interpretation is related to Happiness, Contentment, Good Health, Freedom, Peace, Joy, Balance, fulfillment, Good Friendships, Happy Family, contribution to Society, etc.

One may ‘succeed’ as a rag-picker, Industrialist, Teacher, Researcher, Revolutionist, Philosopher or even as a thief or robber. Success is about fulfilling the intent behind your action. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If we love what we are doing, we will be successful.

Some define Failure as opposite of Success, however, that’s not true. Failure is a part of success. As defined, Success is a journey of failures, sacrifices, smart & hard efforts, perseverance, confidence, consistency in efforts. We always pass Failure on our way to Success.

As soon as we think that we have succeeded in a certain thing, the adverse forces make it a point to attack and spoil it and we become complacent. However, it shouldn’t be interpreted that we should not enjoy and celebrate our successes and keep thinking on our shortcomings and failures and get depressed. We need to strike the right balance!

We need to be contented with our successes, but not satisfied. This will ensure to enjoy fulfillment and joy for our achievements. However, if we are satisfied, we feel we have achieved enough and that’s prohibits us to access additional opportunities that we could further achieve.

Success is getting what we want, Happiness is wanting what we get. Success is a relative term. There is more to “what SUCCESS is” than that. Especially when it comes to success in Life!

To be successful in life, we need to identify our Purpose of Life and set our goals accordingly, there after aligning our actions to achieve the same. It’s good to setup rolling milestones so that we could intermittently celebrate the success of achieving the set milestones and after having achieved the targeted milestone we move to the next milestone without getting complacent.

One must be very great, pure, and must have a very high and disinterested spiritual consciousness to be successful without being affected by it.

Nothing is more difficult, than being successful.