Sunday, October 22, 2023

Overcome your Anger

Anger is an emotion that conveys, telling us that a situation is upsetting, unjust, or threatening. Anger is an active manifestation of sadness. We need to Identify and eliminate our sorrow before we can confront our anger.

Anger is an extension of ego and whenever we act with anger, deep within us, we will actually be feeling sad. Therefore, anger is an active form of sadness. Or to put in context, sadness is a passive form of anger. When we cannot express our anger, we feel sad within. So, whether we are sad, or angry, we only need to ask ourselves one question, “What is it that I am sad about?”

Anger could be detrimental to both our emotional and physical health. When we are angry our body goes through some physiological and biological changes. Our heart rate quickens and our blood pressure spikes. Our body also releases hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline leading to High blood pressure, depression, anxiety, insomnia, gastric ulcers, diabetes, etc.

When we feel angry in a situation, where in, we have been mistreated or wronged, people around us could be too sensitive and might get hurt and could lead them to be disheartened and leave them in tears. Also, leading to negative impact on the way people perceive us and may get in the way of our growth and success.

If anger is an expression of sadness, removing sadness will automatically do away with anger. But the important question is, ‘How do we get over our sadness?’ An easy answer would be, ‘By nurturing happiness.

We have an opportunity to be happy or to be sad. Some tips to be happy – live in present, count your blessings, be kind to yourself, challenge negative thoughts, meditate, meet with friends, practice gratitude, exercise, think rationally instead of emotionally, build a positive support system, etc.

We could also reconcile opposites - try liking what we dislike. While this may not be easy to practice, however, it can free ourselves from unprofitable bondages to inner freedom. If we can finally free from these, we will have risen above our anger; no longer a victim to anger, sadness, or self-pity.

The way we need to respond should be controlled by us, we cannot give the control to anyone to press our buttons and make us feel angry. It’s like someone controlling us through a remote control.

Identify ways to be happy to avoid anger and identify your Purpose of Life.